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Your way to the highest possible compensation

+420 734 116 158

Compensation for injury in Czechia

Were you injured while vacationing in Czechia? Did you get hurt? Do you have permanent damage? We will help you get compensation.

You can get compensation for instance in the following situations

You were injured in the Czech Republic while doing sport and somebody else was at fault.

You were attacked and injured on your vacation in the Czech Republic.

On your vacation in the Czech Republic, you got injured in your hotel.

What kind of compensation are you eligible for?

Compensation applies not only to permanent damage, but also to any temporary injuries.

Real-life example: Skiing injury

An Italian woman was hit by another skier on a slope in the Czech Republic. She ended up with two broken ribs and was unable to work for a month.

The woman received compensation from the personal liability insurance of the person at fault for pain and lost earnings of CZK 100,000 (ca. € 3,900).

Real-life example: Dog attack

A minor from Norway vacationing in the Czech Republic was bitten by a local dog and required treatment for a month.

The owner of the dog decided to settle and paid compensation for treatment of CZK 50,000 (€ 2,000).

Real-life example: Permanent damage

A young man from France was attacked while on a business trip in the Czech Republic. The attack resulted in his arm being amputated.

The court awarded the man compensation for pain and permanent damage of CZK 2,000,000 (ca. € 77,000).

We will help you get compensation all over the world

We are members of the prestigious Pan European Organisation of Personal Injury Lawyers. And we work with other members of this organisation from most countries in the world.

No matter which country you got injured in, we can work on your case with local lawyers who are members of the Global Justice Network. Therefore, we can help you get compensation for an injury regardless of where it happened.

Price of our legal services

  • FREEcase assessment and first consultation.
  • No advance paymentswhile we are working on your case.
  • Our reward is paid from the recovered compensation.

Real-life example of reward from recovered compensation

  • We had agreed on a 10% reward from the recovered compensation with the client.
  • We recovered compensation of CZK 100,000 for the client.
  • Our reward was CZK 10,000 and the client got CZK 90,000.

NOTE: If we do not recover your compensation, YOU DO NOT PAY ANYTHING.

Will the lawyer give full attention to my case?

How we take care of you

  • Žádné zbytečné schůzky: téměř vše s vámi vyřídíme e-mailem a po telefonu.
  • Váš případ bude mít na starosti hned několik specializovaných právníků.
  • Pokud to půjde, zajistíme rychlé odškodnění mimosoudně.

Lawyer’s responsibility

Our lawyers are fully materially and disciplinarily responsible by law. While going after the highest possible compensation for you, our lawyers always keep their conduct professional and ethical.

Our process step by step

1. First, please fill in and send us the simple inquiry form below.

2. One of our specialist lawyers will contact you and ask you for the necessary information and documents.

3. We will assess your options and set up your first consultation – all of this is FREE.

4. With your authorization, we will take over your case and start working on it.

5. We will take legal and other steps to ensure you get the highest compensation possible fast.

6. The process ends with you getting your compensation.

I want the highest possible injury compensation in the Czech Republic

Start right now: Fill in the form below and leave the rest to us.


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